Thursday, August 1, 2019

Petite Excursion a Villereal

 A new coffee shop opened a few weeks ago in Villereal.  To my delight, it is called Maggie's, though my Maggy's name ends in a "y"
Maggie's coffee shop is more English than French.   I love its shabby chic decor and comfortable cushioned chairs.  The story goes that the coffee shop's namesake Maggie encouraged an apprehensive young English couple wanting to move to France to take the risk and helped them every step of the way.  Now the coffee shop stands as a tribute to this lovely woman who recently passed away. It makes me think about all the people in my life who encourage me every step of the way and for them I am grateful. It's the little things isn't it? The neighbor here who offers to lend me warm clothes as the weather has turned chilly.  (It wont' last.) The artist in the village museum who invites me over when she learns I  do collage.  The fruit seller who wants to be sure the delicate fruit won't be crushed......

Bookshelves of French and English books
hug the coffee shop walls. Also board games and coloring books.

 I will be back!!!

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