Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Soul Collage

My Spring Collage
My Soul Collage Class encourages us to share our collages made at home via email with the other members of our group.  We make collages on 5x7 cards. We're  given different topics to explore ,for example spring, motherhood, the pandemic or whatever comes up for us.  Meeting in person allowed for great shared insights and meaningful communication. Many made collages in honor of Earth Day, but we seem to making very few collages at this stage of confinement.  I am struggling to finish a collage about de-confinement, but  am either lacking images or inspiration or both.   Also, what does de-confinement look like?
Today marks two week of daily blogging.  I am going to take a break and will be back when something blog worthy  happens. Thanks so much for reading. If you would like to write a comment, please send it to Giselle.bawnik@gmail.com
Be well!

1 comment:

  1. I've been impressed with your daily blogging. I will miss it.
