Tuesday, December 27, 2022

She's back, but it was not easy.

Le Jardin des Plantes Light Festival
Water Lilies
You can guess this one,
Daniel and Erin

Erin and I  left for Paris on December 19. Well, actually our tickets said December 19, but after 3 long delays, we board our direct flight on December 20 at 3 A.M.   Bill and I arrived the day before in NYC. Bill planned to stay in New York with our older son Michael while I took Erin to Paris to visit younger son Daniel working in Paris and enjoy the holiday festivities.   Despite the jet lag, I managed to keep up with both Daniel and Erin who are 32 and 27 years younger than I am respectively.

Our first highlight was the Winter Lights Festival at the Jardin des Plantes. Entitled Mini Monde, it featured the worlds of insects, flora, and fauna with informational plaques along the way. The French never seem to miss an opportunity to educate . I am all for that.  At first, we felt  stumped.  Were we looking at stained glass, or lights, or what?  It turns out amazingly, that the impressive display before us was constructed entirely in fabric.  The depth of color and fascinating shapes exuded genius.