Friday, May 21, 2021

Starting Out JFK to Warsaw


I left Portland May 7 on the red eye to New York City to visit the kids before heading out to Poland then France. Uncharacteristically,  I ordered a smoky bloody Mary at Deschutes Brewery in the terminal. I must be cocktail deprived. It tasted earthy, smoky, and  qualified for the best Bloody Mary ever. I felt liberated, freed from an unknown pandemic restraint. Savoring each lusty sip, I thought about the upcoming plan to enter France once again through the side door with my EU Polish passport. Was I any calmer than last year ? More confident perhaps, because the plan worked once before. But so much uncertainty  about regulations and restrictions in both Poland and France filled me with dread. Did I bring the right documents?  Would Bill with his unwelcomed American passport be allowed in?

Our first  series of hurdles took place in JFK at Lot Airline's check in to Warsaw, Poland.We needed the PCR test not the Rapid Covid test we provided. Fortunately, our vaccination cards helped, and the agent relented. Next our luggage turned out to weigh too much for carry on Lot Airlines. To avoid paying two checked baggage fees, Bill managed to stuff 3 kilos from his suitcase into mine. All that exertion must  have elevated his body temperature because the Covid testing thermometer turned red. The agent looked at me, and said he can't travel. She tried several more times. Finally, he got the green light.  Unlike the silver lining of traveling in September 2020 where we enjoyed rows to ourselves, this flight was ridiculously full. Moreover, the number of people improperly wearing a mask infuriated me. Honestly, I feel quite violent about it.  Hide those noses, people.  Also, wear compression stockings, ladies. Those swollen ankles look so unnecessarily painful.

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