Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Catching Up

 New Patio Set
 A beautiful bouquet from friends!
Sharon, Barbara, Kris, Jeannie (not in photo) and me at Angelina's in Paris!

Today all the clocks in the house have stopped working. This seems to be a conspiracy. Light bulbs are in on it too. Normally, at home this would not be a problem, but everything here is so high, so unreachable. I don't dare go up to the top step of the step ladder. I don't want a twin injury  as my sister
who fell off a step stool and ended up breaking her tibia on May 8. Instead I drink coffee and wait for deliveries from Amazon and an eventual visit from the handyman I just hired.

This morning I walked around the lake three times. It would have been nice to have my walking partner and dog, but I enjoyed the ducks, nature sounds, and the company of fellow walkers on the same trail.
I am still recovering from my trip to Poland. What an extraordinary week! I will write about it in another post. Since time has stopped for today, I will fiddle about the house, answer emails, make telephone calls, knit, and do collage. Not a bad life, n'est-ce pas?

1 comment:

  1. I'm loving this blog, mon amie! Especially the pictures of the house, I admit. Keep them coming!
