Monday, May 27, 2024

Keys and Kindness

Chai Tea & Writing 

Yesterday I thought the key saga was over. But no! We came back to our accommodations this afternoon to find ourselves locked out again! Bizarre! Our host took all the keys with her yesterday so she could make duplicates today.  Consequently, we left the front door unlocked this morning. After a few choice words to myself in French, I called our host to explain our new predicament. Turns out that after making duplicates, she came back to our door to test out the keys and inadvertently locked our door. If you are not really following this, do not worry. I had trouble following this turn of events  myself. Madame returned to our place quickly, apologized, and let us in.

At one point, we thought the key might be in the dressing room of the Indian Café & Boutique where we stopped yesterday. I texted the owner, and both he and his wife graciously looked for the key with no luck. Today I received another text from them asking me if I wanted them to move things around and keep looking during the week. What kind people! Their thoughtfulness felt like the silver lining to this entire tedious key drama.

When we drank our tea yesterday, we also wrote. Both my friend and I love to write and will pull out pen, paper, and a writing prompt in a Café to seize a quiet moment. Today's Café turned out not to be tranquil as American country music started blasting from the speakers as soon as we started writing. Then a group of hell's angels charged in for lunch. Upon closer the inspection, all the bikers, both men and women, had gray hair and looked over 65 years old. A French senior citizen bike gang!  I admired their courage and sense of adventure. When we left, I noticed at an outdoor table, their helmets lined up and  waiting patiently for their owners to ride off with them into the sunset. Adventure comes to those who seek.



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