Wednesday, May 22, 2024


 My flight over to Paris via Amsterdam went smoothly. I watched a full season of The Golden Girls. Now that I could be considered a Golden Girl, the show felt very relevant to me. The other  day, someone asked me which Golden Girl I could be. With confidence, I can now reply Dorothy. She, like me enjoys words and likes to be witty. 

I met up with my friend at Charles de Gaulle Airport. We decided to share a taxi to our hotel.  Our taxi driver from the approved taxi line seemed a little gruff to me.  We sat in the back seat and peered out the window hoping to catch glimpses of the Eiffel Tower and other iconic monuments. I soon realized that the taxi driver was using a route unfamiliar to me. What were we doing in Montmartre on the way to Montparnasse?

Medieval Bench in Monflanquin taken after we made it to the village and proof we survived the taxi ride

He seemed to be following his phone. Horrendous traffic met us everywhere he drove. The taxi driver became quite agitated. After a while, he could not help himself and started using every curse word a French teacher is not supposed to know.  My friend and I just looked at each other.  This ride went on and on and on. Suddenly, we became aware of the driver sniffling continuously, My friend pointed to her nose and looked at me. I thought she meant to convey that perhaps the driver was sick with Covid.  Finally, we arrived at the hotel. The taxi driver took our luggage out of the car gruffly.  What a relief to be at our destination where we could speak freely!  My friend turned to me and said she thought the driver to be a cocaine user.  What did I know? I thought he had allergies.  We are lucky to be alive, That was one wild ride.