Friday, May 15, 2020

Confinement, Carbohydrates, and Challenges

Photo Taken At The Oregon  Garden
This photo captures a  happy moment touring the Oregon Garden with son Daniel several years ago. The couple on the swing (I think it is a swing) reminds me  today of Bill and me in confinement.  We could use a bit more  room and some of our parts are looking less than spiffy probably due to an overload of carbohydrates.  Will anything still fit when we are liberated? Just this week alone, I baked apple turnovers, and Bill whipped up croissants and his specialty pizza.  Whipped up? Well, not exactly. When Bill suggested I make my own puff pastry for the turnovers, I became livid (symptom of confinement) and suggested he make his own puff pastry. Nobody even on the Great British Baking Show admits to making their own puff pastry unless they are in the Great British Baking Show.
Well, Bill took me seriously. Suddenly, he seemed to be banging about in the kitchen.  I was seriously engaged watching Netflix or playing Scrabble when I became aware that there was a lot of yeast, butter, flour, rising, resting going on. Bill looked a bit furtive.  I knew not to ask. He was still at it at 11 P.M. In the morning, I found him in the kitchen again. Had he ever gone to bed?  He could no longer hide his  culinary creation. Croissants! Who makes their own croissants from scratch except French bakers?
Never challenge Bill or maybe always challenge Bill.  Years ago, I announced it was time to give away the unicycle that sat idle in our basement for years. The next day, there he was learning to ride it. He has not stopped  riding  ever since.
Apple Turnovers With Cream Cheese Icing
Bill's Delicious Amazing Croissants


  1. Cause and effect - how fascinating!! Love it! 💞🥐

  2. So he "rose" to the challenge!! It all looks so yummy.
