Monday, May 18, 2020

Irony and Mystery

Hong Kong Skyline
Our son Daniel lives in Hong Kong.  I was so worried about him back in February. During the Chinese New Year holiday break, he changed planes in China on the way to his vacation destination. Upon his return, his company told him he needed to be quarantined for two weeks.  Since his apartment is only 250 square feet, he wondered if he would go stir crazy. He also did not have a powerful internet connection at home which would make working difficult.  Well, he coped best he could.

Hong Kong is actually not in lock down. Daniel is able to go to work. People can gather in groups of four in restaurants 1.5 meters apart. The public swimming pool is scheduled to open this week. Considering a population of 7.451 million living in very close quarters, the following figures are stunning:
There have been 1,056 confirmed cases of Covid-19;  1,025 recovered and 4 deaths.  How is this possible? Daniel is safer from the virus in Hong Kong than here at home.  I don't pretend to know the answer. I do know that people in Hong Kong practice a culture of mask wearing due to pollution. They also choose to wear masks when feeling sick. It's not a real kissy touchy culture like France or Italy, for example.  Hong Kong  is actually  now  able to send masks to  other countries who need them.  There is irony and mystery at work here. Thoughts?