Monday, May 11, 2020

Still here, my dear

Michael the pre-school artist!
A friend and I  started to talk  about  what we do in confinement and ended up talking about what we could do and don't do in confinement.  Her list fit on a scrap of paper. Mine in a note book.
Michael the pre-school baker!

Well, I did  do a bit of  file cabinet clearing and got up to "N". Along the way, I found these two treasures, pictures of Michael in his  pre-school
newsletter. What a cutie with his curly hair!

Today marks the first day of "de-confinement" in France. The country will open up slowly. First, primary school children will return to school. The French will be allowed to travel within a 60 mile radius. The dreadful self imposed permission  slip to leave the house is no longer necessary.  Many more controls are in place.

I am  holding a ticket to Paris  for June 9 purchased back in February. I fear it will be too early to return. My refund for my March 16 trip still goes unprocessed, but don't get me started on that.

Since we  are all still "en confinement", I have decided to issue myself a challenge to blog every day.
Be well, everyone!

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